Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the Controversy Surrounding Denuvo
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Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the Controversy Surrounding Denuvo

Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the Controversy Surrounding Denuvo

Dragon’s Dogma 2 and the Controversy Surrounding Denuvo

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is steadily approaching its release date of March 22, 2024. One of the most debated topics surrounding the action RPG is whether it incorporates Denuvo.

Denuvo is a specialized digital rights management (DRM) tool designed to deter piracy of games. It is typically integrated into games to make them more difficult to crack and subsequently distribute freely on pirate websites. This program is embedded within the game’s code and cannot be removed by players.

Does Dragon’s Dogma 2 Use Denuvo? – Answered

Yes, Dragon’s Dogma 2 uses Denuvo. This information is available on Steam under the details section of the game.

This implies that Dragon’s Dogma 2 will be challenging to crack and unlikely to be available for free download on pirate platforms. Capcom, the developer, has utilized Denuvo for its recent titles like Resident Evil Village, albeit removing it subsequently. Hence, it’s plausible that Denuvo may be removed from Dragon’s Dogma 2 at a later stage.

How Does Denuvo Affect Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Since Dragon’s Dogma 2 has not yet been released, it’s difficult to ascertain the impact Denuvo might have on it, if any.

Denuvo has been associated with performance issues such as prolonged loading times, FPS drops, and other technical glitches. However, the official site claims that the program “does not interfere with the regular operation of the game and does not cause errors or reduce system performance stability.”

Some fans speculate that Capcom might remove Denuvo after a year, similar to its approach with other games, but this remains unconfirmed.

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